retail store owner

Retail Store Security: Top Risks and Ways to Reduce Them

Retail stores reached a record-breaking shrinkage in 2019. From the year prior’s $51 million, it went up to $61 billion. These shrinks — the term for “losses” in retail — resulted from theft and fraud. Retailers reported increased incidents of employee theft and shoplifting. Based on the numbers, the National Retail Federation predicted that Organized […]

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a rock with the words debt relief written on it

Eliminating Your Debt: What Can You Do to Achieve This Quickly?

Many hard-working adults work to place food on the table while also having enough money for their wants. However, many workers live paycheck to paycheck without having any remaining funds that they can spend on themselves. Fortunately, many financial institutes are willing to help professionals and workers by giving them loans for properties, cars, and much-needed

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person computing debts

Rising Personal Debt among Young People: How It Can Impact Their Lives

Debt is a major source of stress, and it is affecting the lives of many Singaporeans. In July 2021, the total household debt across Singapore reached US$276 billion or SG$373.84 billion. It accounted for 68.5 percent of the city-state’s Nominal GDP during the first quarter of the year, slightly higher than the 67.9 percent posted

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lawyer and client

The Laws That Govern the Proper Management of Businesses: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Running a business is not an easy task. Many laws govern the proper management of businesses. If you don’t know what they are, then your company could be in violation of them. Entrepreneurs need to have all the information they can get about the legal aspects of running a business. This way, they will not

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busy business office

Modern Technology and Solutions for Business Success

Over the past year, many people have experienced adjusting to their company’s new remote work setup. The quarantine period continues to be a source of stress for many individuals. During a time of uncertainty, dealing with many inevitable life changes has been an overwhelming experience. It’s difficult to focus on important things when our physical

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marketing strategy

Branding Your Business: Coming Up with a Perfect Brand for Your Business

In business, a company’s brand is one of its most valuable assets. “Brand” typically makes one think of logos, tag lines, or product names. But all these are just one part of the actual definition of “brand”. A brand is an immaterial marketing concept that makes people readily identify a business or an individual. Many people

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