How You Can Help Your Community Recover from COVID-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a halt. Along with the global health crisis came an economic catastrophe that left nearly 20 million American adults reporting that their households often didn’t have enough food for everyone. And even if the employment rate rises as the world starts to recover, it is still below the levels before the pandemic. And as you know, the employment rate at that time wasn’t too high, to begin with.

With all these in mind, it’s fair to say that helping the community survive the medical and financial impacts of the pandemic should be prioritized, especially when you have the means to help. To make it easier for you to lend a helping hand, here are some of the ways to contribute to the recovery of your community from the coronavirus.


Helping everyone stay healthy is on top of the priority list. If you or anyone you know can contact people in the medical field, starting a medical community project should be the first step. You can focus on getting a free checkup for the neighborhood.  A blood donation drive can also be a great way to give back to the community. Or you can even work on educating the people, especially the kids, regarding proper hygiene and factual information about the pandemic they’re currently experiencing. Knowledge is power, after all.

Another way of strengthening your community is by supporting the frontline health workers in your neighborhood. They are the ones exposing themselves day in and day out only to help people in need. It’s about time they receive the support they deserve.

But ultimately, the best way you can contribute to keeping your neighborhood safe from COVID-19 is by staying healthy and following all health protocols. Make sure you follow the social and physical distancing protocols. Wear your face masks. And do not go out if you are experiencing even one symptom of the virus.


Just like medicine, donating food and other necessary daily supplies will also never hurt anyone. If you have something to spare, now is the time to lend it to those in need. Starting and reinforcing a community pantry can also be a great idea. Food banks have and continuously prove to be vital in people’s survival. You can choose to donate food and financial support to food banks that have wider distribution capabilities, or you can focus first on a community food pantry that can directly help those you see outside. Either way, what’s important is putting food on their table.

Volunteering in soup kitchens and halfway homes has been a great way to help those in need, even during the pre-pandemic eras. But it shouldn’t stop with the homeless. You can also reach out to those who are struggling within your area. Having a home is, of course, better than sleeping on the streets. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’d have enough to survive.


Aside from physical health, the mental stability of the people has also been endangered due to the pandemic. For most people, the pandemic triggered financial, emotional, mental, and many other frustrations that could lead to people becoming more prone to mental health complications. Leading a project that can help the community access free professional mental healthcare can be a great way to keep everyone safe.

You can lead mental health campaigns that target students’ safety since isolation can be more difficult for the younger generations. You can also focus on marital counselling. Financial frustrations partnered with isolation can be a very dangerous combination for the average couple. Giving them access to great family law attorneys can be a great way to help avoid abuse in the home.

More importantly, remember that simply being more empathetic and kinder can also do wonders to people’s lives.


With the current financial state being down in the dumps, people can resort to despicable acts that they would later regret. Reinforcing your community’s security is vital in keeping everyone safe.

You can contact the local government and start a neighbourhood watch. If there’s already one in place, getting more people to volunteer can be the next step. People will be able to sleep well if they know familiar faces are watching over them. And a worry-free sleep can be just what some people might need to push through this pandemic.

You can also cut the root of the problem by helping the community establish local businesses. A tightly-knit town can provide support for each household. Everyone can have a role. There could be multiple local businesses within the neighborhood, and you can help by bartering, trading, and supporting each other. From helping ideate and establishing the business to supporting your neighbors through buying their products and services, you can help them survive. In the end, financial security matters most during times of difficulty.

The bottom line

The pandemic has already taken so many lives. If there’s a way to help reduce the losses, it is within your responsibilities as a citizen to provide any means of help. Even with social distancing in place, other people can still feel your love,  care, and support 6 feet away.


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