Laws That Affect Real Estate: Understanding Government Laws

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Government laws affect all of us in many ways. One way is through the real estate market. Government regulations impact what type of property you can buy, how much you pay for it, and where you can live.

The government sets the laws and regulations that make up an area’s property law. These laws can impose limits on what a landowner can do with his or her property. The three types of government restrictions are use restrictions, deed restrictions, and zoning regulations. The government also deals with implementing the Section 45L Energy Efficient Home Tax Credit to guide homeowners to make energy-efficient homes.

How the Government Affects Real Estate

Laws that affect real estate change all the time. It’s hard to keep track of what is going on and how it will impact your business. Below are the ways that the government affects the real estate industry:

  • The government imposes use restrictions.

Use restrictions are rules that specify what a landowner can do with his or her property. Use restrictions focus on the neighborhood in which the property is located. For example, if a homeowner lives next to an elementary school, then the homeowner might not be allowed to use his or her home for commercial purposes. The government needs to make sure that the elementary school will not be compromised in any way because of the homes near it.

  • The government imposes deed restrictions.

Deed restrictions are rules that limit what type of changes a landowner can make to his or her property. Deed restrictions focus on the individual property rather than the surrounding neighborhood like use restrictions do. For example, a homeowner cannot build tall buildings if the deed restriction prohibits it. Therefore, homeowners can only construct small buildings so as not to get in trouble with the law.

  • The government imposes zoning regulations.

Zoning regulations are rules that divide the land into different categories. These rules determine how property can be used and developed, such as whether a building is commercial or residential. For example, if someone wants to build a commercial building in an area that is only zoned for residential, that person will not be able to push through with his project. Zoning regulations exist to ensure all property within certain areas are properly developed and used.

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Zoning laws also address other concerns like traffic levels or environmental issues. These regulations can be established by different government bodies like local communities and state governments. They are also subject to change over time depending on how people use these areas.

  • The government sets the requirements for permits in real estate.

Before anyone can build real estate properties, they need to obtain a permit from the government. These permits include approvals for building plans and specifications, occupancy levels, number of housing units allowed per land area, etc.

People need to get these permits so that they can develop the land they want to build on. It also lets them know what regulations are in place for that area, like how many units of housing are allowed per acre or building height restrictions.

There may be times when people need to get more than one permit before construction starts because different government bodies oversee permitting requirements at the local level. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you get all of them before starting construction so that you will not face legal problems down the line.

  • The state government regulates real estate through subdivisions.

Subdivision laws are established by different states to protect consumers in real estate transactions or prevent harm that can be done to surrounding communities if properties are not developed properly.

Additionally, the federal government has passed some laws that affect ownership of certain properties or transactions involving them. For example, if someone wants to purchase federally-owned land in a specific area, they must follow strict guidelines put in place by the Federal Government Agency (FEMA). Failure to do so can result in fines and penalties.

The government also regulates real estate through the funding it provides, like programs such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that encourage homeownership. These two entities provide low-interest loans to individuals looking for homes who cannot afford a traditional mortgage loan from a private bank or other lending institution.

The Government’s Influence

Most government laws are there for good reason, like protecting the safety and welfare of people who live in or near a specific land area. However, if one is interested in building a home on their property without getting too many permits, they can contact local authorities about what regulations apply in their area. This way, they will be able to build their properties without facing any problems down the line.

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