How the Government Responds to Mental Health Crises

mental health

Mental health is a fundamental and essential part of general health. According to the World Health Organization, health is not only about not being sick. It’s about a whole state of physical and mental well-being. Concerning this, mental health is more than just the nonexistence of mental disabilities.

Mental health is the person’s ability to manage their strength and capabilities. It’s about how an individual copes with daily stress and works productively. Moreover, good mental well-being allows a person to contribute to the community. Good mental health is critical in the functioning of society. Thus, the need for action is pivotal.

A person’s mental stability can impact how he plays his role in his community. That’s why governments are trying to find ways to respond to mental health crises. But how does the WHO encourage governments to prioritize mental health? Read below.

WHO and Government Partnership

The World Health Organization supports governments in promoting and protecting mental health. WHO has made discoveries about the effects of poor mental health on the community. So they work with governments to spread this information and plan to fight mental health illnesses.

In 2013, the World Health Assembly agreed to commit all WHO members to take vital actions to boost mental health worldwide. This plan is the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for 2013-2020. It aims to promote mental health awareness and prevent mental disorders. It also seeks to reduce the disability and mortality of people with mental illnesses.

But the question here is how to turn this plan into reality. The people behind the plan focus on four components to improve mental health. These are:

  • Strengthening government leadership over mental health.
  • Providing comprehensive, unified, and reliable mental health care services in local communities.
  • Implementing effective strategies in promoting mental health well-being.
  • Strengthening each country’s information systems and research for mental health.

Addressing Community Mental Health Needs

mental health

Local communities can put a stop to the increasing number of mental health problems. The first thing they need to do is to determine what causes them. After that, they come up with the best solutions to help everyone. They ensure that communities get the support they need to address mental issues by:

  • Encourage the use of mental health hotlines.
  • Produce mental health screenings in workplaces, schools, and other institutions.
  • Promote the national suicide hotline.
  • Develop resources for runaway teens.
  • Improve efforts to promote counseling services.
  • Provide seminars in schools to promote mental health care.
  • Collaborate with local communities to increase people’s awareness.
  • Providing a facility that would train personnel responsible for facilitating mental health committals. (nurse, transportation, other responses staff)
  • Establishing a support group led by a trusted social worker.

Community Mental Health Care Programs

There are many ways for a community to help people with mental health issues. They plan projects to encourage mentally challenged people to overcome their illnesses. Local communities work together to find solutions for mental health issues. They make sure that patients get proper treatment in time by communicating with the help of CIT software.

Improving Mental Health Care Systems

The World Health Organization provides help to all countries. As a result, nations are now showing improvements in addressing mental health care. If you know someone struggling with a mental crisis, you can take action to ensure their safety. Many options will be available for you. Your choices will include:

  • calling a mental health hotline
  • encouraging your loved one to consider community programs.

Private Mental Health Services

Take your loved one to their doctor, so they can have the proper treatment they need. They might need to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist residing in their community. Usually, they’ll attend counseling sessions, which could last for six sessions. Other treatments include services from mental health programs, hospitals, and mental health clinics.

Governments, local communities, and citizens must stand together to address mental health concerns. This means that even a simple member of society plays an important role. It may sound cliche, but we are all responsible for making the environment empowering.

People need to understand that mental health care is a human right. And it should be available for everyone. A good health care system is what we all need to ensure that our physical and mental health is at its best state. Everyone must take their mental health seriously and find help immediately if required.

It’s good to know that despite different cultures and beliefs, all countries exert efforts to care for their people, including their mental health. And because of this, people might have a healthier mental state in the coming years. All thanks to the collective hard work of everyone involved.

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