Business Management Essentials: Finance and Technology

manager holding clipboard

Managing a business encompasses a lot of factors. It involves planning and organizing different aspects of a business so it functions efficiently and productively. For this article, we discuss two important aspects of business management: money management and technology concerning management.

Money Management

Money management is defined as the process or system in which a business manages finances. It can also be called financial management. In money management, tracking expenses and earnings, as well as budget and goal setting are involved.

Proper money management is essential so a business earns a profit and avoid having negative cash flow. Failure to have proper financial management may result in a failing business. To avoid this, here are some tips:

Tracking deadlines

Tracking bills and dues are important so you don’t lag behind payments. Important payables such as loan and credit card payments must be tracked and paid ahead or on time to avoid them from stacking up. Additionally, tracking monthly payments is essential so you know that you have enough money saved.

By tracking bills and paying them on time, businesses can avoid paying interest and getting low credit scores. It’s also about protecting your business’ reputation: missed payments may result in a sour relationship between partner vendors.

Monitoring cash flow

As much as tracking payments are important, tracking cash flow is important, too. A business owner should monitor how much money they spend daily to avoid misuse of funds. No matter how many accounts one business has, each should be monitored accordingly.

Even the smallest expenses need to be tracked, from transportation to employee lunch meals. These small expenses can rack up, and if untracked, you may just be confused about where all your money went. An accounting book or simple software helps track all these expenses.

Monitoring accounts receivable

Remember all your accounts receivable. Accounts receivable are payments owed to you by a customer or a business partner; these must be tracked so you can pursue them later on when their deadline is due. Accounts receivable can be placed in the accounting book as well to help you remember pending payments.

Also, remember that tracking is one thing and actually receiving the payments is another. Hence, when a client’s payment is due, it is only proper to send them an invoice and remind them of their dues.

Business and personal funds

Business and personal funds should always be separate. Doing so will help you track your company’s revenue and spending. When you mix business with personal funds, it may result in overspending and misuse of funds.

You might be using your personal funds just to help your business survive. Or it can be the other way around. You may be using your business funds for personal expenses, and this may result in the failure of your business.

talking to staff

Management and Technology

Technology has never been more relevant in managing businesses. Some companies hire full-time IT personnel while others outsource managed IT services because it is usually more economical. IT services are beneficial for efficiently managing accounts, staff workloads, databases, and networks in a company.

Additionally, technology is used by most businesses nowadays to communicate fast and efficiently. Below are some of the ways technology is used in business management:

Data Analytics

Data analytics makes it possible for businesses to easily process data to make informed business decisions. Through data analytics, businesses can know which aspects of their products or services can be improved based on research. Part of the information data analytics provides are market trends and customer behavior. It also encompasses demographics and competitiveness in terms of pricing.

Project Management

Easy project management is made possible through the use of technology. Even money management can be improved through the use of technology. Spending, tracking bills, and accounts receivable are easily managed when it’s done through existing management software.

A bit of training is all it needs to accustom managers with these software tools. Once they fully understand the way to efficiently utilize the system, everything will be a breeze.


Lastly, technology has contributed greatly to improved communication in businesses. This has even been magnified when the pandemic started. Through technology, managers, staff, and even customers can easily communicate, share feedback, and information. By creating communities online, businesses can easily promote their products and services to a specific target audience.

Technology easily connects people from across the globe through chats and video conferences. Remote work is now possible because of the availability of internet access. Indeed, technology has been essential in improving business management, and ultimately a business’ profitability.

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