Driver leaning against his truck

Will Automation End the Need for Truck Drivers?

A lot of doomsayers predict that automation will eliminate the need for actual truck drivers. However, experts predict the opposite, envisioning a future where human drivers work hand-in-hand with their AI counterparts. Going on Autopilot Automation is not at all a threat to local truck-driving jobs. Automation works best on highways and freeways, giving truck

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How Constant Breaks Improve Your Mental Capacity and Work Efficiency

Let’s face it: this generation is filled with workaholics and success-driven workers. This isn’t just the case locally but also internationally. However, such mindsets can easily break down even the most skilled or smartest employees and businessmen. If you intend to be at the peak of your performance, your mind will need to recover in

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Family at the lawyer's office

Family Law Practice: 3 Interesting Cases Related to Divorce or Separation

Family law cases are often portrayed in media or on the big screen as a dramatic fight between spouses or other family members. That is not always the case, however. Sometimes, issues involving the family can be downright amusing, strange, or even petty; still, bringing them to court will be useful. It will help you

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