Facility Management Programs for Every Company

Modern corporate building

While people are taught not to judge a book by its cover, much can be said about a company based on the appearance of its office or building. Do the offices look immaculate? Are the elevator and air conditioning systems working properly? If the answer to these questions is yes, then this tells existing and prospective clients that the company is reliable and in good standing. On the other hand, if the building looks run-down and untidy, with facilities breaking down often, the company or companies occupying the building will seem shady and unprofessional.

Building maintenance is, therefore, a crucial part of every business, something that should be given as much attention and budget as any other aspect of running an enterprise. Companies can handle this part of the business by themselves, from hiring building caretakers to choosing between a ride-on and a walk-behind power sweeper. They could also opt to outsource their office or building maintenance to a third party, so they can focus their time and energy on other important business matters.

Whatever route a company takes, the following building maintenance programs should be part of the overall business plan and budget projections.

1. Preventive maintenance

Every building should have a preventive or planned maintenance in place, where every possible maintenance activities for different building component, equipment, and facilities are outlined. This way, the budget can already be allocated in advance, especially for equipment that is already beyond the warranty period. A calendar with all the scheduled maintenance can be kept, along with the contact information of the focal persons who can help. The user manual of all tools and equipment should also be kept in a safe place for easy access and reference.

Part of every preventive maintenance plan is regular inspection of all building components and equipment. This is how companies identify which items need to be fixed right away and which ones need to be replaced. When done diligently and properly, preventive maintenance can prolong the life of the equipment and the whole facility. It can also help the company save time and money.

2. Corrective maintenance

repairman fixing pipes and plumbing

When there is no proper preventive maintenance in place, corrective maintenance happens regularly wherein a piece of equipment, a tool, or a component of a building such as its plumbing system becomes damaged. Repairing the broken items as soon as possible can often do the trick, but there are times when the damage calls for a replacement or a complete overhaul. The latter can be very costly, which is why having a preventive maintenance plan and following it religiously is important.

3. Emergency maintenance

A maintenance plan should also make room for unforeseen damages that can occur in any part of the building, its facilities, or equipment. These unexpected impairments need to be fixed immediately. Putting them off until the next routine maintenance schedule is not an option since the damage can hamper business operations, or cause more problems along the away.

Maintenance, of course, is not only limited to ensuring that the components and equipment within a building are working properly. It also involves taking care of the building’s appearance and cleanliness. Each part of the building, from the ceiling and walls to the floor, doors, and windows, must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Any damage should be repaired immediately, especially when it is visible to outsiders, and these activities should be part of the overall building maintenance plan. Remember that a building’s appearance is a reflection of the company that is taking shelter in it.

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