The Search Game: Understanding Keyword Strategy

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The online search game is one of the things that many online marketers want to dominate. The one who knows how to play it is the one who can increase exposure and chances of engagement. But dominating the search game can be tough, and with that, you have to arm yourself with the right knowledge and strategy. You have the foundational knowledge, and you know how to operate the basic frameworks of the trade. But is that enough? One of the most important things that you need to understand in this discipline is the use of keywords. A lot of marketers and brand managers make the mistake of just choosing search keywords, which should not be the case.

You have to be conscious of it. You have to take into account a lot of factors that will affect the entire SEO strategy. If you are not so sure yet about how you are actually doing it, now is the time to learn it and brush up on the trends surrounding it. In the meantime, it is worth refreshing your memory regarding this part of the plan. Here are some of the things to keep in mind, as recommended by a leading SEO agency in Utah.

Be contextual

Gone are the days when the search engines give results that have exact matches. Marketers and spammers have found a way to exploit the system. This has resulted in the proliferation of content farms, which do not offer valuable information. When you choose keywords, you need to be contextual. Do not just stick to your product and brand name. Think of the other words and concepts that are related to it. They can help you by widening your parameters and letting yourself get easily seen by the audience.

google search on laptop

Take a look at your competition

Your competitors also have their keyword strategies. You may gauge these by actually trying a few search terms and see if their brands will appear on the first page. Take note of the words they use, as you may need to use them with a few additions and tweaks.

Make your content work

Keywords are just words. They become much more effective when they offer something valuable. This is why you should invest in making your content high-quality. You can do this by gaining insights from your customers. Knowing what makes them tick will allow you to come up with content that is relatable.

Test, test, test

Your choice of keywords should be tested so that you will not waste your money and effort. This is something that you can do via A/B testing. For one, you can release two ads using different search words. Find out which ad is more effective.

Search engine optimization or SEO is your go-to tactic when you want to improve your search rankings and improve your chances of getting your customers engaged. But if you want to rule the game, you ought to master its most basic discipline, which is the keyword strategy.

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