Non-Profit Organisations That Provide Aid for Veterans with PTSD

US Military

Heroes don’t just exist in fairy tales, comic books, and movies. They are real, and they live among us. One of the most notable modern-day heroes is our soldiers and servicemen who suit up and put their lives on the line to serve the country they love and pledged allegiance to.

Whenever these soldiers are deployed to the forefront of the battles, wives, children, parents, and siblings go through a period of anxiety over the safety of their loved ones. For this reason, plenty of men and women in uniform seriously consider additional insurance coverage and wills and estate planning for the little they have to ensure their loved ones are financially secure in case something unfortunate happens to them on the line of duty.

When you look at how soldiers are portrayed in TV shows, movies, and books, you get such a deep sense of awe and admiration for them for all they do. Yet, many of them are scared and — if they survive the battles — scarred for life.

What Is PTSD?

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a psychiatric disorder that people who go through something extremely traumatic go through. These people might have seen some of the worst natural disasters, terrorist attacks, extreme violence, serious accidents, rape, or war and combat.

In most cases, soldiers and service members deployed to the frontlines of war, unfortunately, often return with PTSD for having witnessed some of the cruelest, most gruesome, and inhumane things that war entails.

For this reason, a lot of organizations and resources have been made available for our servicemen to serve them in their time of need. Here are some of our favorite non-profits that have taken it upon themselves to show their appreciation for our real-life heroes.

Non-profits that Are Helping Out Veterans with PTSD

1. Soldier On

In 2012, three Australians created Soldier On to respond to the lack of support for injured Australian Defence Force (ADF) service personnel. They have since supported more than 5,000 vets and their families by providing a holistic support model for their recovery.

2. Aussie Vets PTSD Group Incorporated

Aussie Vets PTSD Group Incorporated is a non-profit organisation that raises funds and helps provide other charities that assist current and ex-ADF personnel. Their families deal with PTSD.


DIAVOLO may be known as a performing arts company, but they launched The Veterans’ Project to help service members deal with PTSD through various creative and artistic avenues. Using choreography and movement, the group has helped vets restore and improve their mental and physical health.

4. Force Blue

One unique thing about US org Force Blue is it puts ex-special forces members into the world of marine conservation to help both become better. The org trains vets for marine conservation missions, which are highly therapeutic for the servicemen and extremely beneficial for marine life.

5. Young Veterans

As an organisation, Young Veterans have been around since 2012 to help military veterans enrich their lives. They do this by connecting vets to re-engage with the community and society around them as a form of therapy to help them overcome the isolation that typically takes place when a soldier returns home.

6. Pets for Vets

dog pet

One of our absolute favorite nonprofit organisations that help war veterans deal with loneliness and PTSD is Pets for Vets. The org’s main goal is to pair up vets with animals from shelters that are great matches for their personalities. The group has already helped thousands of service personnel overcome PTSD and has provided homes to thousands of pets.

7. Warrior Surf Foundation

Another fun way of helping vets is through surf therapy. People from the Warrior Surf Foundation figured that it is a great way to restore not just a veteran’s physical health but also mental well-being by providing them therapy through surfing and yoga.

8. X Sports 4 Vets

You can take a soldier out of the action, but you can’t take action out of the soldier. Or at least a longing for adventure. And X Sports 4 Vets delivers in this area. By getting vets engaged in extreme sports, this non-profit helps soldiers and vets get their fix for thrills, take the edge out of civilian life, and connect with other people who are in the same spot in life as they are.

9. DefenceCare

DefenceCare is one of Australia’s primary non-profit groups that help current and former ADF members when they come down with an illness, an injury, or a crisis. It is known for its excellent PTSD and depression treatment within the ADF.

10. Bravery Trust

Formerly known as the Australian Defence Force Assistance Trust, Bravery Trust is a non-profit org that financially supports present and former ADF injured service members and their families.

If you have PTSD or you know someone who is, never be ashamed to ask for help and reach out to people who can take the journey to better mental health with you.

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