Essential Factors to Consider in Community Building

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Community building is not an easy feat. It requires a lot of planning, capacity-building, project conceptualization, and detail-oriented organization towards gradual community transformation. All aspects need to fall perfectly together from the most general vision to the most specific security measures like setting up CCTV security surveillance cameras.

The success factors involved in community development relies heavily on the resources, leaders, and strategies that are essential towards empowered and sustainable communities. Here are two essential considerations that could cover most of the requisites for community building and development:

Infrastructure and Communication

Infrastructure is no longer limited to the physical establishments that could hold a community together for gathering and communication. Even virtual communities are in need of infrastructure, too. In traditional terms, communities need physical infrastructure in the form of town halls, sidewalks, porches, parks, playing fields, and other places where a community can spend harmonious relationships and cultivate their culture.

  • Physical and Virtual Infrastructure

With the advent of technology, virtual communities have become necessary for communities to establish the same level of connectedness. Human interaction is no longer limited to the places they can go to for a fun meet up and sensible conversations. The virtual world is a more frequented space now that setting up the infrastructure to easily access these communities is as essential as the physical infrastructure.

  • Communication and Information Drive

Never forget that infrastructure whether physical or virtual aims to humanize the community and make every member feel a sense of belongingness. Since infrastructure fosters communication, it is also important to note that with these infrastructures, collaboration across and within communities is possible. This can help people contribute to the betterment of the community on top of their benefits from the coming together of minds in community gatherings. This can also provide avenues for information dissemination and community education.

community building


One of the driving factors of community development towards success is leadership. With competent and strategic people to take the reins of the planning and execution of community projects, improvement will be certain.

  • Vision and Community Engagement

Community leaders should continuously envision a better and sustainable community to consistently implement changes. These visions can inspire people to come together and work hard to make them a reality. To rally the people towards a goal is the initial step towards community engagement which is crucial in the implementation of any community program. The cooperation of community leaders and members can steer the projects towards success or failure.

  • Transparency and Credibility

Another aspect that affects the engagement within a community is the openness and transparency of leadership. Leaders who walk the talk and take charge of programs through proper communication and collaboration with the members of the community get better support than those who sit behind the desk. The sincerity and credibility of leaders can help build trust and confidence within the community and lead people towards the same goal.

  • Network Building

Aside from initiating community efforts to support the projects, leaders can also establish networks that can benefit the community. Since the leaders initiate programs and build partnerships with various organizations that can benefit the community, they should also be composed of individuals with diverse experiences and skills that they can put into the table.

Field expertise can help conceptualize practical and efficient plans for the community, instead of relying on advice from people outside the community. The concern that community leaders should be on top of the expertise you scout for efficient community building.

These are the essentials in community building, and there are numerous practices that can help secure the success of your community projects. You should consider other factors that may affect the perspective of the members of the community such as religious beliefs, culture, political views, resources, prejudices, and other social factors. In the end, community building is all about people and the community that they deserve.

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