How to Build Stronger Healthcare Services in Your Community

a group of friends wearing face masks

The benefits of community healthcare programs are countless, from improving access to healthcare services, quality of healthcare to availability—ultimately leading to a better quality of life for all community members. However, just like most things, there can always be room for improvement, and better healthcare services will always be a good thing. Each resident can make their attributions to give community healthcare services a boost and ensure everyone’s optimal health.

To get you started, here are the best ways you and your neighbors can build more robust healthcare services in your community.

Train Community Members

The best way to build ‘stronger’ healthcare services in the neighborhood is by training community members on what to do during emergencies. For instance, residents can take up CNA training to ensure more trained and skilled people in taking care of seniors, children, and other community members who may need medical attention, especially now that there’s a pandemic.

Implementing comprehensive wellness and disease management programs is also crucial. Just make sure it focuses on improving baseline health numbers, ranging from weight to blood pressure, covering a broader field.

Encourage Community Members to Volunteer Local Social Services Organizations

Finding out what local non-profit organizations offer to contribute to the community’s health is an excellent choice. It helps you and your neighbors learn about what the professionals do, allowing you to see how they operate and how you can use that to give your neighborhood’s healthcare services. You’re likely to find that several of these organizations rely on volunteers. Volunteering and encouraging other community members to join in can spread the word more, educate everyone, and promote better healthcare services.

You can also work or volunteer within the hospital or medical industry to clarify core values and articulate these in ways that can build better partnerships with community members—ensuring everyone is aware of what to during emergencies.

Bring Healthy Practices to the Workplace

Bringing healthy practices to the office can encourage others to follow and learn more about health, improving their chances of contributing to community healthcare services. You can do this by talking with your HR department to see if they’d consider starting employee wellness programs to advocate healthier practices amongst employees and how they should react during emergencies. Additionally, encouraging employers to offer regular blood pressure checks and promoting awareness of physical therapy services, and providing prevention programs can go a long way in educating your community.

nurse using a laptop

Engage Local Schools’ Efforts to Encourage Healthy Practices

If you have a child, you’d naturally want to ensure your child stays healthy. Since most kids spend a lot of time at school, it’s crucial to make sure that healthcare services are readily available. You can do this by encouraging fellow parents to speak up. Find opportunities to volunteer and join committees at your kid’s school or school district. Additionally, you can ask your district about its local wellness policies guiding student health efforts and how the community can update them.

Plan Block Parties and Establish a Health Resilience Council

Just getting to know everyone in the community is a significant step in promoting better health resilience and services, building up social support networks residents can rely on when facing emergencies. You can do this by throwing block parties where all community members can get out, meet, and socialize.

Additionally, establishing a ‘council’ consisting of passionate volunteers who can find the best ways to help the neighborhood at large is an excellent choice of ensuring help is only a call away. These people should be appointed as ‘official liaisons’ to local hospitals and health organizations.

Continually Encourage Engagement for Better Health

The only way to ensure the healthcare services within your community continually improve is by encouraging continuous engagement amongst the residents. Ongoing participation is a great way to keep the ‘initial enthusiasm’ that people feel when contributing to the cause by either participating in programs or volunteering at local organizations. One way to do this is by taking advantage of social media and publicizing community healthcare programs and events—and offering special perks and discounts to individuals participating, encouraging their continued involvement.

Whatever activities you think might be the best to give your community’s healthcare services a boost, remember that aside from enhancing quality and access to care, they should also build new relationships and connections with those around you. After all, the most likely person to offer immediate help during emergencies is a friend, neighbor, or bystander, making bonds crucial—and the strategies mentioned can give you and your community a great start.

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