How to Market for Each Generation

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It is not easy to sell. You have a product that is of good quality and fulfills an untapped need but convincing a potential consumer to make a purchase will require more effort. You would need to craft an effective marketing campaign that will convince people that your business is trustworthy and your product is worth the money.

It is an additional challenge to sell to consumers of all ages. Every generation has its own respective beliefs and morals. What works for the youngest consumer demographic, the members of Generation Z, will certainly not appeal to the oldest group, Baby Boomers.

Generation Z

Members of Generation Z, born between the mid-90s and 2010, grew up with wide access to electronic devices and the internet. They know how to navigate the digital landscape and have been exposed to digital marketing since they were children.

This group also uses social media a lot. So far, they are spending the most time logged into Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and other websites. According to one survey, Gen Zers use social media for nearly 3 hours a day. For comparison, Millennials are on social media on average 2 and a half hours daily while both Gen X and Baby Boomers dedicate around an hour and a half on these online platforms.

Brands that want to sell to Gen Z consumers need to be online and social. However, with so many other brands vying for the attention of young spenders, it will be difficult to stand out. An experienced social media marketing manager will be able to craft an effective campaign that will get Gen Zers looking at the product.

Keep in mind that Gen Z uses social media differently. One study found that they go to Instagram to showcase aspirational versions of themselves, get their news on Twitter, and share real-life events on Snapchat. But, they watch YouTube videos to decide on products to purchase.


Millennials, like their successors, grew up with access to technology and the internet. However, they were in a unique position. They witnessed the world turn from analog to digital.

Millennials are crucial to marketers because, although they have yet to reach their full buying potential, they are set to become the most lucrative consumer group. They are expected to exceed other generations with an annual buying power of more than a trillion dollars.

One thing that they really care about is what is happening in the world. They feel personally responsible for the state of society, and they are compelled to make a positive change. This is reflected on how they decide purchases.

They do not want products that make them feel guilty. They instead choose to support brands that promise to support a social cause.

Ethical, sustainable, eco-friendly, plastic-free, cruelty-free are only some buzzwords that appeal to Millennials. For brands to access the wealth of this generation, they need to realign their vision and genuinely support movements that oppose racism, homophobia, climate change, and other issues plaguing the world.

Generation X

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Members of Generation X, those who were born in the mid-’60s up to the early ‘80s, are, unfortunately, often forgotten when it comes to marketing in between the always bickering Millennials and Boomers. Yet, they are an important demographic. Gen Xers make up more than 30% of the American population, and they have enormous buying power. In fact, they outspend every other generation in terms of clothing, housing, entertainment, and food.

Gen Xers have some of the characteristics of Boomers but have the buying habits of Millennials. They love social media, specifically Facebook, and use the internet to research products before they make a purchase. And, they are very loyal customers to the brands they trust.

Although younger generations no longer use email except in business-related communications, Gen Xers still think that it is the gold standard for making connections. They check their emails every day and are more receptive to email marketing.

Marketing should reach out to them with personalized offerings through emails. They also like hunting for bargains, so attach a digital voucher to your communication to encourage their next purchase.

Baby Boomers

Boomers are a huge group of consumers, and they are very affluent. They control about 70% of all disposable income across the nation.

Because of their wealth, they do not need discounts. They are big spenders who are willing to pay more for the quality of products and services.

This generation is also the most susceptible to traditional forms of marketing. However, do not call them “old” or “elderly.” Moreover, do not use any slang or lingos when speaking to them. They would not appreciate that.

Boomers are also sometimes called the “me generation” because of their tendency to be individualistic and self-centered. Your marketing material should not be all about the product. Instead, explain how the product will make their lives better.

Moreover, although they did not grow up with social media, they are tech-savvy. They use Facebook and their mobile devices a lot — sometimes as much as their younger counterparts.

Each generation of consumers is very different from one another. They have their own beliefs, standards, and expectations that rarely overlap. That is why brands and marketers should know their target consumers before crafting a marketing campaign.

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