The Benefits of Homeschooling vs Traditional School

group of students during outdoor class

Education, in all its forms, plays an integral part in a child’s growth and development. It isn’t only about making students sit at a desk and feed them information. There’s more to it than learning about science, mathematics, history, and the arts. Education has a major role in personal development and identity.

The most common types of school are traditional schooling and homeschooling. Although children get the same grade school or high school education and core subjects, the type of schooling impacts them in different ways. Let’s discuss the benefits of each of these schooling methods.


Homeschooling is exactly what it sounds like. It’s attending classes and learning at a pace outside of a typical public or private school setting. There aren’t any classrooms to walk to or buildings to drive to. It’s typically administered by a private tutor, parents, or online instructors. Given the pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions, virtual classes might seem like a type of homeschooling.

Some people consider homeschooling as a disadvantage because of the lack of interaction. But this isn’t the case at all. Homeschool is designed for different types of learners who may want more freedom for other activities. For example, many athletes are homeschooled so that they can focus on training.

woman home schooling young boy

Check out these benefits of homeschooling on a child’s academic, extracurricular, and personal lives.

  • In terms of academics, homeschooling lets students work at their own pace. Curriculum customization is also a huge benefit because students would be able to know what subjects and topics they’re better at and which ones they need to prioritize a little more.
  • Homeschooling also allows for more time to do extracurricular activities. Students will have a lot more time on their hands which will allow them to engage in sports, practice an art, try out new hobbies, or even explore entrepreneurship and start a small business.
  • This system accommodates special situations. If a student is constantly moving to different places, busy with extracurriculars, academically inclined, or even behind, homeschooling allows them to continue their education without having to make too many adjustments.

Parents would also consider the effect of homeschooling on children’s mental health. On one hand, there’s no pressure for the child to compete with others academically or socially. On the other hand, these children should also have other outlets for social interaction.

Traditional Schooling

Traditional schooling is all about the typical classroom setup with a standardized learning pace for all students in a class. These are usually face-to-face classes. But because of COVID-19 precautions and situations in different locations, traditional schooling might be conducted virtually until further notice.

Consider the various benefits of traditional schooling.

  • There are more social opportunities for the students following traditional education. In traditional schooling, students are exposed to diverse crowds of people. This exposure teaches them how to adjust to and work with different personalities. ;
  • Students won’t miss out on quintessential events like prom, homecoming, and graduation. These students can also enjoy other traditional activities such as attending pep rallies, going to sports events, and participating in other school events.
  • Traditional schooling is more interactive. It might be easier to learn from peers. Traditional schooling also makes way for the formation of friend groups that would act as support systems if ever they’re struggling either academically or personally.
  • There are special opportunities for those who excel in certain subjects or activities. Exceptional students can sign up for advanced classes. Student-athletes will have opportunities to join competitions within and outside school.

Homeschooling and traditional schooling work toward the same thing. But they ultimately have different effects on a child’s upbringing and personal development.

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