Raising Athletic and Active Kids

kids playing basketball

Raising physically active kids is important, as it can help them stay healthy and avoid obesity later in life. It’s also important because it can help kids learn how to enjoy being active, setting them up for a lifetime of good health. There are many ways to raise physically active kids, and below are some ways to do so.

Sign them up for sports.

One of the best ways to raise physically active kids is to sign them up for sports. Sports can help teach kids about teamwork, discipline, and handling loss and victory. They can also provide a fun way for kids to get exercise. There are many different types of sports, so find one that your child will enjoy and sign them up.

Encourage them to be active outside.

There are many different ways for kids to be active outside, such as playing tag, riding bikes, or walking. You can also encourage them to participate in outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping. Getting outside is a great way for kids to exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

Teach them the importance of being active.

It’s also important to teach kids the importance of being active. This will help them understand why being active is beneficial for their health, and it could also inspire them to lead a physically active lifestyle. For example, if your child likes animals, tell them that being active will help them grow big and strong, just like wild animals do.

Teach them the importance of eating healthy.

Being active can only get your kids so far. Teaching them the importance of eating healthy is also important, as it can help them develop a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients they need while keeping their weight in check.

Focus on balance.

Raising active kids isn’t just about being physically active; it’s also about being mentally and socially active. Kids need time to enjoy other activities, such as playing video games or reading books. Make sure to focus on balance so your kids can be happy and healthy in every aspect of their lives.

Set a good example by being active yourself.

A great way to get your kids to be active is to set a good example by being active yourself. If you make being active a part of your lifestyle, your kids are more likely to follow your lead. You can also encourage them to play sports or go for walks together. So sign up for a fitness gym, get your exercise in, and your children will follow in your footsteps very soon.

Encourage them to run, jump, and play.

Getting your children outside and active is another fantastic approach to get them interested in exercise. Playing tag, scaling trees, or taking a stroll are all examples of this. Kids must let off steam, which is why playing outside is such a wonderful method to do so.

Let them explore their interests in athletics and outdoor activity.

One of the greatest ways to encourage your children to remain active is to allow them to pursue their interests in athletics and outdoor activities. This can help them find activities that they enjoy and provide plenty of exercises. Additionally, it can help them develop new skills and friendships. So encourage your kids to try new sports and outdoor activities, and see where it takes them.

Lastly: Reward them for being active and staying healthy

mother and daughter

One of the best ways to encourage kids to be active and stay healthy is to reward them for their efforts. You can reward them with anything from verbal praise to treats and privileges. Just make sure that the rewards are something your child will enjoy and be motivated by.

Here are some ideas for rewards you can use to encourage your kids to be active and healthy:

Praise them. 

One of the best rewards you can give your child is praise. Let them know that you’re proud of them for being active and staying healthy. This will help boost their confidence and encourage them to keep up the good work.


Another great way to reward kids is with treats. You can give them a small treat or gift, such as a piece of candy or a cookie after they’ve completed a certain amount of physical activity. This will give them something to look forward to and help make exercise more enjoyable.


Another great way to reward kids is with privileges. For example, you can pick their activity over what they usually do after dinner if they’ve completed their exercise for the day. This can be an effective way to convince your kids that getting active is worth it!

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