Promoting Community Services Through Social Media

community building

Social media is one of the most powerful avenues where people can make a change. Through social media, information is easily disseminated and circulated. Influencers are plentiful because, through these mediums, they can sway and create an impact amongst their army of followers.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were all created to connect people. Facebook was created by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg to create interpersonal relationships between Harvard Students through the internet. Instagram was meant to be a photo-sharing website for relatives and friends of the account holder. While Twitter was purposed to be an opinion and news-sharing website where snippets of information can be deposited.

Unfortunately, social media nowadays became the exact opposite of what it was meant to be. Even if everyone is empowered to have a voice, multiple accusations involving disinformation, bias, and fake news surrounding important events were allegedly manipulated by these platforms.

However, all hope is not lost. Like all the negative things about social media, we have a chance to steer the algorithm of how we like it: for good.

Creating Awareness for Nonprofit Organizations

Growing awareness of your advocated nonprofit organizations through social media is one of the few things you can do to support societal development. However, even before you post and spam your advocacies on social media, you need to study your target market. It is essentially like buying a business in your state: you need to study what you can and cannot do, and you need to scope out the sympathetic landscape of your intended territory.

social media

Non-profit organizations are difficult to market. Unlike profitable businesses which always offer something in return, non-profit organizations bank on the kindness of people. Your market should not be expecting anything physical in return. However, there is no absence of kindness in the world. A lot actually like to donate anonymously. Donating anonymously encourages others to contribute You can donate without affecting bias.

Promoting an Advocacy

Promoting genuinely good advocacy is another way you can turn social media into a weapon for good. Crusading for advocacies like feeding the poor and taking care of the sick are noble pursuits to continue. However, like in creating awareness for nonprofit organizations, promoting for advocacies can prove to be difficult. Not all may agree with your views, even if your views and perspective are both inherently good. You must remember that these people are not your target market. You have to shoot your shot and take the chance with people who will hear your call out.

Encouraging Creatives for a Cause

Creative work coming from multiple fronts will never run out. Instead of having people donate their money, a lot more will be inclined if they rather donated their time and craft. Creatives who are not as much at liberty to donate their hard-earned money can donate their craft for the greater good if they really want to. One of the most famous artworks donated for goodwill was made only in January 2020, where a Chinese Painting worth $10,000.00 was donated for a good cause. It made a buzz across multiple states and was reported in network news at NBC.

Converting Value into Action

Lastly, showing to your market that what they actually donated is going to a good cause is certainly very important. They need to know that their efforts are not put to waste. Social media can be used to justify your actions and even further promote your advocacies. Making sure it is publicized certifies that you are a trustworthy fellow to put their faith in.

I think it is time we take social media’s power back to how it’s supposed to be: a tool for good. Together, we can steer the algorithm into more positive outlooks.

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