What’s in Store in the Post-pandemic Classroom?

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For students and educators, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a test of persistence and patience. From learning at home, creating plans for the next school year, and preparing learning resources, all these things have forced us to evaluate the state of the current learning environment.

Although the sudden shift to virtual classrooms has compromised different areas of learning, educators have become more flexible in offering learning options during the pandemic. One example is the online program for doctor of information technology in the Philippines. This postgraduate program offers flexible learning opportunities to those who want to supplement their bachelor’s degrees and improve their career perspectives.

As schools move to a new school year, many are wondering how academic institutions will navigate the post-pandemic environment. Many are expecting how the current challenges will affect the educational continuity for millions of learners. In this article, we’ll discuss how the post-pandemic will shape the evolution of remote learning.

The next stage in remote learning

We cannot deny that the response of academic institutions during the pandemic has been significant to sustain and survive classroom continuity. But all these developments are just the beginning. Despite the challenges and concerns related to online learning, most students welcomed the flexibility offered by asynchronous and virtual learning.

When we talk about asynchronous learning, this means the learning content is available for students to access. They can accomplish it based on their schedule and a certain time frame. This learning model provides students the agency to complete lessons and assignments despite being at home.

As learning practices evolve, collaboration technologies and remote learning are critical in maintaining personalized and inclusive hybrid learning experiences. This will bring learners together by providing engaging resources beyond online lectures and videoconferencing sessions.

To ensure the success of online active learning, schools should leverage technology and learning groups to create student-centered experiences for different types of learners. At the same time, schools may still offer a virtual option for those who prefer to learn virtually.

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Advancements in learning technology

Before the transition to remote learning, educators have been using multiple forms of educational technology, such as student information systems, interactive whiteboards, and curriculum software. Although these tools have been very useful in online classrooms, none of them complement each other.

Today, schools are now adopting the interoperability model, where software and computer systems work together in exchanging and using information. As a result, this provided instructors the convenience where they can simply enter the classroom and start teaching.

Manufacturers, digital platforms, and content providers have made significant contributions to virtual learning through hardware and software support. These tools result in the development of learning models and diversity of educational technology resources.

There are also remarkable developments in terms of audiovisual space. The variety and quality of microphones and cameras in online classrooms paved the way for flexible learning. Schools can now livestream online classes for students who don’t have access to certain subjects and instructors. They also opened opportunities for students who want to access various courses based on their interests.

The one-to-one device program

The pandemic has further highlighted the digital divide between learners and access to technology. The sudden shift to remote learning was already tough for both students and teachers, but the lack of internet access and computers made it even more difficult for students to learn and engage remotely. This includes English learners and students with special needs who can’t access the services and tools they needed.

As more schools gradually return to traditional classrooms, instructors may soon consider adopting the one-to-one device program. Schools realized that to make hybrid work, they need to provide devices to supplement learning both in remote and hybrid environments. They cannot rely completely on students to bring their devices to the classroom each day.

While other schools rely on funding to purchase devices for students’ use, some are putting up charging stations so students can easily charge their laptops and tablets inside the classroom.

The sustainability and deployment of devices also posed challenges because of device replacement and damages. Schools are responding to this by giving up internal IT support. They’re now investing in the services model, where they can purchase devices with maintenance services. This way, schools don’t have to carry the burden of maintaining one-to-one device programs.

While academic institutions have made considerable efforts to thrive in the pandemic, educators who embraced the transition toward student-centered learning experience were successful in ensuring student engagement. As we go through another transition in the post-pandemic world, we’re expecting more developments in how we teach and learn in the future.

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