Essential Businesses amid the Pandemic

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It has been reported that purpose-driven companies grow faster than other businesses. For sure, businesses that are socially and environmentally responsible attracts customers. Consumers generally think that when a company does charity work, they think beyond profit.

Yet some businesses cloak their true colors through social work. When it comes to actual business methods and practices, they do not serve their community. Ultimately, some of these companies’ desire for profit is still greater than their desire to help.

But some businesses are intrinsically built for the community. These businesses are essential and without them, life will be hard. The pandemic seemed to have put all businesses through a scanner and screened those that are truly important to people’s lives.

Health Care Centers

Demand for health care has never been larger than before. As the health care system becomes continuously overwhelmed by increasing cases all over the world, the World Health Organization stresses the importance of constantly doing preventative measures to contain the virus. Yet despite these measures, the need for health care never ceases.

For an entrepreneur with the capacity to build a new business, the smartest and most helpful thing to do is to grab the opportunity to get a healthcare franchise. An additional health facility in a community will be more than welcome.

People are also starting to realize the value of health care professionals. Based on the International Labour Organization, the lack of health care professionals is especially felt in low-income countries with a large population.

But low-income or not, each country recognizes the need for more health care workers with or without the pandemic.


When the pandemic started, unemployment is not the only issue that rattled a lot of people in the world. Students and their access to education have been affected as well. Education is something that shouldn’t stop. People need to continuously develop and learn.

That is why most schools have adopted online learning. It gives children an avenue to learn without sacrificing their safety. Yet, most American parents encountered difficulty with this setup, especially single parents.

With children staying at home during online classes, it means these single moms and dads have to stay at home and monitor their children. Staying at home means skipping a day at work. For families who depend on a single person as a breadwinner, this is not an ideal setup.

Private schools have been especially helpful for families like these. In some private schools, classes are face-to-face. These schools allow parents to drop their children at school and get on with their work. That is why some parents chose to transfer their children from public to private schools.

Yet it doesn’t mean that private school owners have escaped the impact of the pandemic. Unicef has specifically mentioned that low-cost private schools have been hard hit, and this has an impact not only on the private school owners but the children studying there as well.

Most of these private school students are in fact from middle and low-income families. As their schools face foreclosure, their access to education is somehow minimized as well. Unicef, therefore, calls on the government to step up and do something about this, as the right to education is not only a school’s responsibility but the government’s as well.

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As people stayed at home, the media remained present to keep everyone updated with all the things that are happening around the world. Media doesn’t only mean news. Media encompasses all things that are broadcast through different mediums like the radio, television, and even the internet.

It is a business of entertainment as well, and the industry has been specifically important in making dull days locked down at home a little better. Simple music or a nice television show has been really helpful for people to get through those uncertain days.


When people were separated from their families as the world shut down, the transportation industry was there to offer services. Despite the unknown dangers of the virus back then, a few airlines continued to fly to bring people home.

Heroes of the transportation industry not only include people working in aviation, but also taxi and ride-sharing drivers. Despite the risk of exposing themselves to the virus, they continue their service to provide commuters with the means to travel.

Respect for Essential Businesses

Mentioned above are only some essential businesses that have been beneficial for every community during the pandemic. Other important industries include the food industry and delivery services.

All these businesses have struggled to keep afloat during the pandemic, yet they continue to provide their service to the community with a smile. For this reason, utmost respect should be given to the businesses and the professionals behind them.

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