Nonprofit Marketing Strategies You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Starting a nonprofit can be easy. The barriers to entry are manageable and you get to help solve a social problem. But the tricky part is keeping your organization alive. According to some, half of the nonprofits are destined to fail. This is since most nonprofit organizations have no strategic plan in writing.

But aside from having no leadership transition plan, you need to have enough reach to maintain profit and achieve nonprofit goals. Without the right marketing strategies, even the most selfless organizations will crumble. But how can you effectively market a local nonprofit organization in today’s age?

Hire Digital Marketing Pros

The easiest way to boost your reach online is by having the right partners to get the job done for you. You already have your hands full in running your nonprofit. Your staff’s hands are full and having a website alone and a few social media pages won’t be enough to compete with other nonprofits in the area.

You may be able to set up a website for your nonprofit. You got followers on your social media pages and were able to get a few sponsors here and there. But without the right online marketing strategy, you will have a difficult time boosting your reach, keeping your followers engaged, and building a reputable name for your organization.

When it to comes marketing your brand online, hiring the right agency specializing in digital marketing is your best bet. There are many local agencies willing to work with nonprofits. They can offer packages depending on your needs and make the most impact you long for.

Leverage on Google Ad Grants

Many nonprofits are would skip online ads just because they cost money. But Google ads are one of the best ways to expand your reach and get your brand noticed. The good news is, nonprofits are eligible for up to $10,000 free Google ads each month.

Ad Grants program by Google aims to help nonprofits promote their causes in their platform to the public audience. They roughly offer up to one billion dollars’ worth of free advertisements to lucky organizations. If this means you can get free marketing for free, why pass up the chance?

Remember that the Ad Grants only enable purely text-based ads. Your free ads will appear under the ads of paid advertisements on the search results page. You will need to meet the requirements and file your application for Google ads.

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Utilize Social Media

Today’s largest social media platform is Facebook. But note that having an FB page for your organization will not automatically equate to funds. You need to utilize different social media sites, interact with your followers, bring awareness, and invite followers to participate in your activities.

Make sure to share ads and photos of your cause on different sites. This will give your followers an idea of what you do and what your mission is. Take advantage of live streaming to engage with your followers.

Did you know that Facebook offers free fundraising features for nonprofits? You can ask and collect donations on the platform for free. This also makes it easier to connect with your organization using their free workplace feature for nonprofits.

Don’t Forget About Influential Partnerships

You may find it hard to get the biggest influencers onboard. But there are a lot of influencers with sizeable followers willing to help nonprofits. You can start reaching out to local influencers in your area.

Check your volunteer and event logs if you have any local influencers who are already into your organization. Check your social media, email, and board members. If they have more than 1,000 followers and already have a history of engaging with your organization online or offline, your chances of getting their support are higher.

But before you do that, make sure to do something for them first. Show that you support their content by liking, commenting, and sharing the content that reflects your mission. This will give you enough time to get to know them better and if they can really embody the values of your ideal ambassador.

Make sure to reach out to your target influencers, introduce your organization and educate them about your interest. Tell them why you chose them out of all the other influencers. You can offer incentives if they are willing to help you introduce your nonprofit to potential followers.

There are many other tactics you can use to market your organization digitally. But these four are some of those strategies you can’t afford to ignore. These will surely help you optimize your nonprofit online, tap on the right audience, and gain more support without having to spend much. Never let a few costs hold your nonprofit back. Sometimes, it takes the right investment to reach your nonprofit goals.

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