For Non-Profits: Best Practices in Increasing Community Engagement

Happy volunteer looking at donation box on a sunny day

Non-profits have a vital role in the community by connecting people with needed resources and services. They also provide a voice for those who may not have one. It is essential for non-profits to engage with their communities. Several best practices can help increase community engagement, which this article will explore.

Beautiful business woman is speaking on conference.

Host Events

Hosting events allow people to come together and learn more about the non-profit. This can be in the form of an open house, a town hall meeting, or a fundraising event. It’s a great way to get people involved and show them what the non-profit is doing.

When hosting community events, it’s essential to keep a few things in mind. Here are a few things to consider:


When hosting an event, make sure to pick a location that is easily accessible for people. If your event is in a remote location, people may not attend. Consider hosting the event on your site if possible to introduce your organization better to your guests.


Make sure there is enough parking available for the event. If there is not, people will be turned away. If you own your office’s parking space, make sure it is presentable enough to make sure you make an excellent first impression.

Check your parking space and ensure its safety and security. Assess the area and check for improvements you can make. Invest in parking space maintenance like crackseal services whenever needed.


Ensure the event location has adequate facilities, such as washrooms and space for people to eat.


Make sure there is signage directing people to the event location. You don’t want to turn off potential guests because they found it hard to find the venue.

Join Community Events

Joining events in your community is a great way to show your support and get involved. It’s also an excellent opportunity to network with other organizations. When joining events, be sure to represent your non-profit well.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Be on Time

Punctuality is vital when representing your organization. It shows that you are professional and dedicated.

Dress Appropriately

When representing your non-profit, dress appropriately. This differs depending on the type of event you are attending. If it’s a more casual event, business casual would be appropriate. For a formal event, dress in business attire.

Be Prepared

Come prepared with materials about your organization, such as pamphlets or business cards. This way, if people are interested in learning more about your non-profit, you have the information readily available.

Make Connections

When networking, be sure to exchange contact information with other organizations. This way, you can stay in touch and potentially collaborate in the future.


Another way to improve community engagement is by volunteering. This allows you to impact the community and make a difference directly. It also shows that you care about the community and are invested in making a difference.

When volunteering, be sure to:

Choose an Organization You’re Passionate About

It’s important to volunteer for an organization that you’re passionate about. This way, you’ll be likely to stick with it and make a difference.

Find an Opportunity That Fits Your Schedule

When choosing to volunteer, be sure to find an opportunity that fits your schedule. This way, you can commit to it and make the most impact.

Be Respectful

Remember to be respectful when volunteering. This includes being on time, dressing appropriately, and following instructions.

Invest in Activities That Promotes Mutually Beneficial Opportunities

It only makes sense to draft activities that will benefit your organization, other local organizations, and the community. If both the non-profit and the community can benefit from the relationship, you get to increase your chances of success.

Some examples of mutually beneficial activities include:

Collaborating With Other Nonprofits

Collaboration allows non-profits to share resources and ideas and promotes networking between organizations. When collaborating, be sure to exchange resources, share and be open to new ideas, and be open to potential partnerships.

Offering Internships or Fellowships

Non-profits can improve community engagement by offering internships to community members. Internships provide an opportunity for individuals to learn about the non-profit and its work and develop new skills and knowledge. Internships are a great way to give back to the community and build relationships with local organizations.

Community engagement is crucial for any non-profit’s success. The activities that non-profits can offer are mutually beneficial because they allow both the organization and the community members to benefit from the relationship. Collaborating with other non-profits, volunteering, or offering internships are all great ways non-profit organizations can improve their community engagement efforts while also making a difference in people’s lives.

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