Making Your Non-Profit Survive the Pandemic

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Over time, non-profits have earned a bit of a negative connotation. For one, people prefer not to work there as they think there’s no income for them. While that may be true if you’re a volunteer for a non-profit community event such as feeding for hobos or an educational outreach where you teach poor kids, most workers in a non-profit are paid — the manager including.

In fact, a non-profit is actually a misnomer. The organization can rack up profits. It just cannot use such wealth to enrich an individual or a private interest.

With that said, the biggest challenge a non-profit organization faces is keeping itself standing. Like any corporation or business, a non-profit must find its way to be able to last and not fold. That certainly is never a walk in the park at any time of the year. But that holds a greater burden these days when the virus is still pummeling America.

The truth of the matter is one-third of the nation’s non-profit organizations are expected to fold during the pandemic, driven by the grave challenges the virus has created.

But don’t lose hope just yet. Expert advice should allow your non-profit to evade the jaws of extinction. And instead, thrive even with all the noise and the chaos mounting. While your worries may be to get your organization afloat, people have a great worry: their lives. And if you’re not careful, your organization can be torn in half by a lack of your proactive mindset or foresight.


There’s no denying it, COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in America. The amount of fear generated by the virus has caused countless American sleepless nights and untold mental health issues. Thus while the virus may not have affected any of your workers drastically in terms of healthy, let it be known that your organization puts their safety top priority.

Be careful though. Certain drastic measures such as social distancing and the wearing of masks can be divisive. Different people will react to it differently. But letting everyone know that it’s not for one person’s good that health protocols are set, but for everybody’s then everyone should follow.

Take note that good leaders are problem solvers. But great ones anticipate problems before they materialize. You greater resource is to do your due diligence and brainstorm possible scenarios before things get out of hand.


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Indeed, this is not the time to be timid in the handling of your finances. If you don’t face the reality now, sooner rather than later your organization is going down. In this regard, you can’t bury your head in the sand like a proverbial ostrich and behave like the problem of the purse is going to go away.

Thus, if you’re operational budget is taking a dip, then you have to be brutally honest with your sponsors and donors. It’s better they know you’re not doing well now while your non-profit still stands than for them to hear about your demise in the papers or in social media.

You may find it hard to ask but as a professional, it’s the mature thing to do. If you really can’t find the strength to go around talking to your sponsors, then take it up to the board. Pretty sure, your board will find these things to be paramount and find ways (assuming they won’t fire you).

Or you can find strength in your cause. Think about all the people who will go hungry if your organization folds.

This is why lead generation is a must for non-profits. Unlike private businesses, many non-profits operate on a shoestring budget. If you don’t do lead generation to raise needed awareness, finding people who will join your cause to donate or give their time and volunteer would be an uphill climb.

If you’re struggling, zeroing in on tried-and-tested lead generation service companies is wise. Not only does the right company help generate leads for you but also they can bring in quality donors and customers for life.


Now is the time to be bold. Just look at how businesses and various institutions have been postponing their digital adaption. Many feel it’s not really urgent. But when the virus came, everything changed. Not having an online presence constitutes a death blow.

By the same token, evaluate your organization to stay lean. If you have not digitally adapted, then it’s about time you should. You can start with a Facebook page while you’re looking at ways to build your website.

In addition, look at your manpower. Are there ways to boost your ranks without adding expense? One thing people have during the pandemics is lots of time. Why don’t you tap into the millennial market? It’s highly likely many of them want to help. Now could be the best time to ask.

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