How to Juggle Your Career and Becoming a Working Parent

woman and child playing

The idea of juggling your career and a child is daunting. It’s hard, but it isn’t impossible. Your parents did it; a lot of people have done it, and you can do it too. There will be a lot of trial and error when it comes to parenting. You just have to figure out what parenting style works for you and your child. Here are a few tips to help you figure that out:

1. Build a support system

Whether it be family, friends, a partner, or fellow parents, it’s important to have a support system. It can be a person or a group of people you can rely on for advice and learn from. Understand that you don’t have to do things yourself. It’s always okay to ask for help. Even superheroes need help sometimes.

2. Seek certified childcare services

When you start getting back to your normal working routine, seeking certified childcare services is the safest way to go. Not only will it ensure the safety of your child while you’re busy at work; it will also be a place where your child can learn and interact with other children. You might even meet other parents there. They are going through the same situation as you.

3. Try setting boundaries that work best for you

Setting boundaries between work and home can be really helpful. This doesn’t mean ignoring tasks at home completely, especially if you can’t (because there will be times that you can’t). It also doesn’t mean ditching work to take care of your child—unless you really have to. It’s knowing when to take a break from certain things.

4. Plan your schedules

Planning out your schedule weeks ahead of time will help you with setting boundaries between work and home. If you work in a field that has unpredictable hours, it’s fine. Plan when you can make up for it. A lot of experimentation goes into parenting. Plan what works best for you.

woman using her laptop

5. Learn to accept losses

Parents always want to be around their children, especially when they want to witness their “firsts.” Being a working parent means learning to accept not being around your child 24/7. That also means accepting that there will be moments when you will miss out on. Although it can be heartbreaking, just remember that the reason you work in the first place is to be able to provide for your children. You will have plenty of moments with them in the future.

6. Go easy on yourself

Last but not least, go easy on yourself. Juggling work and family is hard. There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so don’t be so hard on yourself. Remember that you can’t always get it right. That’s totally fine, as long as you don’t lose sight of the things that are important to you.

Being a working parent is no easy feat. You will make mistakes, and that’s fine. You are human after all. In the end, these are just tips. If it doesn’t work out for you, then figure out what does. It’s all just trial and error.

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