How to Conduct Ethics Training in the Neighborhood

lane of houses

Ethical living is a difficult way to live one’s life. It is a notoriously hard road to walk. Living our lives according to our values and what we care about most may be viewed as selfish if deemed inflictive on others. Ethical living, however, is the exact opposite of this. To live a life of ethics is to burden yourself with the thought of your neighbor — but still keeping your values intact. Ethical living is a stance in life where one makes decisions taking moral values into account.

Most products nowadays tend to brand their product as ethically produced. Capitalism has gotten so bad that being ethical is marketable as opposed to being the norm. Fairtrade goods are slapped on different products as proof that they are sold for a quiet profit and sustainability.  It is such a foreign concept nowadays that people go through leaps and bounds just to live a fully ethical life. However, what people fail to realize is that living ethically can be done in smaller and attainable steps. How do you start infusing your family and your neighbors’ families with the ways and means of living a fully ethical life?

Reevaluation of Values

Calling a meeting for self-reflection and recollection of your internal values is the first step in the right direction. Reevaluating your own values is important to have a firm grasp of the path you will take about conducting ethics training with your neighbors. Failing to identify your motives and inadequately recognizing your means and methods will spell disaster for your plans. There must be a question of why in your push to a more ethical community. You must first recognize that you are doing it for the betterment of yourself, the people you live with, and the people around you. Going forth with any ill intent will guarantee your project’s demise.


Resource Persons

Gathering resource persons is similar to choosing the correct bank – you need to choose the one with the best interest rates for mortgages and deposits. While there are a lot of resource persons you can tap regarding methods on how to live ethically, having the perfect resource person is hard to come by. You first have to consider your audience. If your audience is composed of mostly Gen X-ers, they might have a hard time relating to a young and highly energetic speaker. If your crowd is mostly Gen Z, a baby boomer speaker might not resonate with them. You also have to consider the topics you want to cover as not all speakers have cookie-cutter speeches. A resource person who is an expert in partaking in recycling activities cannot be fully relied on if the topic you want to talk about involves sustainable living. Yes, there might be a tangential point existing between the topics surrounding ethics. However, that might be the only point these topics might meet.

Narrowing Down

Being specific on the topics you want to cover is integral if you want to have a successful talk or training. There are only so many things you can talk about and discuss regarding living ethically. Ethical living usually covers topics like recycling, ethical shopping, fair trade goods, donating, minimalism, and veganism. This list, which only covers a small portion of the entire world of practicing ethics, can be a lot to take in through one session alone. Cutting up the topics and narrowing down the hours you would engage your audience is key to keep the interest up. One wrong training session will spark disinterest for the next few schedules of training. Keeping things neatly and tightly wound while delivering substantial and quality talks will net positives for your venture.

Open Forum Discussion

Not a lot of people even have the concept of ethical living in mind. In reality, most people just want to get by and live their quiet lives undisturbed. However, ethical living is entirely about caring for your community. As the attractor for the training, it is fundamental that an open forum discussion is held every after training. It is known that even if a person is interested, they decline to participate if not given a chance to express their thoughts. In a forum about ethical living, opening the floor to the audience is important to fully justify why they should partake in changing a small part of their life. Questions are important as they spark the interest of the public.

Ethics training is one of the few things you can do to improve your neighborhood. Through these small steps, you can partake in the betterment of the entire world. All it needs is one little spark in one little community.

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