How Smartphones Can Save Your Life During a Car Crash

emergency call

Road accidents have become a widespread public concern and a major threat to human lives. They happen every day and everywhere. What’s worse is that most road accidents take away many innocent lives. Nearly 1.35 million people die every year around the world from vehicular crashes, according to the World Health Organization. Children and young adults suffer the most, making road traffic injuries the leading cause of death for the younger generations.

Construction experts and vehicle manufacturers have incorporated several safety features both in road structures and in cars to limit the occurrence of such accidents. For instance, car manufacturers now have advanced safety systems (ADS) installed in every production unit. These include automatic emergency braking, collision warning, blind-spot detection, cross-traffic alert, airbags, among others. Meanwhile, more safety equipment is now present along major highways and minor roads. These include road barriers, neon road signs, barricades, streetlights, and CCTV cameras.

Aside from this safety equipment, there is one small tool that can save your life when you’re in road danger: your mobile phone.

Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. Not only do they make our lives incredibly easier, but they can also be our instant lifesaver. Here’s how your smartphone can spare your life during a car crash:

Calling for help

Recent statistics show that around 80% of 911 calls in America are made from a mobile phone, saving thousands of people who are in danger. Having your smartphone with you during a car accident allows you to instantly call for help from any emergency response team or your loved ones who might be nearby. Also, there are several apps that you can download to contact your local police department once your location is detected through GPS.

On top of this, having your mobile phone with you lets you contact your insurance provider or an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately. Getting in touch with them can ensure you a smooth and quick process involving your insurance claim and in seeking legal advice.

Tracking your location via GPS

Some road accidents can be quite serious. Drivers may end up unconscious after suffering from a head injury or for whatever reason. Having your smartphone with the GPS turned on can help emergency response teams locate your vehicle, especially when you’re no longer responsive. Your GPS can also send an emergency alert to nearby police stations once your smartphone detects that an accident has occurred. Several apps carry this feature.

On top of this, the latest GPS technology can save you from a car accident. Some radar sensors can prevent vehicle crashes by detecting the speed of another oncoming vehicle and altering or stopping your car altogether to avoid a collision. Other advanced GPS devices can also track traffic management systems like stoplights, road blockages, and barricades that will ensure your vehicle to stop if needed.

car crash

Taking photos and other media evidence from the accident

Having your smartphone with you during a vehicular accident allows you to take pictures, videos, and voice memos that can be extremely useful for your insurance claim or any legal purposes. Take photos of your damaged vehicle, the surrounding area, any marks or debris on the road, and any other instances that took place during the accident. Taking pictures of the other vehicle involved as well as its license plate can also help in supporting your version of what happened in the accident.

You can also take advantage of the recording feature of your phone for documenting the happenings of the accident. These include your conversations with the people involved if they permit you to do so. Ask witnesses if you can record their name, address, and their account of the accident. Recording such information may be quicker and more efficient than typing them out.

Obtaining contact information and taking down notes

Before you leave the scene, it is critical that get the contact information of the involved party as well as of the witnesses present during the accident. Having your smartphone on hand will let you save their information immediately and safely. Most smartphones have a cloud backup storage for contacts, notes, and media, making sure that the information you documented is intact and safely stored.

It is also vital for you to take down notes even after a police report has been filed. This might be extremely helpful for your insurance claim and legal procedures later.

Car accidents are completely unpredictable. However, having your smartphone with you during an emergency can make a significant difference between life and death. So make sure that your battery is full, your GPS turned on, and your emergency contacts are on speed dial.

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