Factors That Could Affect a Student’s Learning


The world has continued to evolve over the past 50 years, but in a lot of countries, the education system has remained static. However, many different factors could affect the learning of an individual in the modern age.

Here are a few factors that influence a student’s learning.

Cultural Influences

Recent research showed that cultures have a great impact and influence in moulding an individual’s learning both in life and inside the classroom. There are varying traditions on how students learn since intelligence and learning could be interpreted differently, and it would all depend on one’s culture.

For example, some cultures focus on pure observation – following what he/she is instructed to do based on that structure. However, there are some cultures that tend to be different and emphasize learning on being creative, free, open, and intelligent.

Whatever the differences may be on the cultures, it definitely still has a great influence on how individuals view and absorb information. Coming to a middle ground for these differences would be to encourage students always to be critical, and not being afraid of questioning something beyond what is being taught to them.

Motivation to Study – Is it relevant?

This particular factor might be considered as the most important one when it comes to influencing an individual’s learning. Studying to get good grades is a good motivation but studying to get something out of life and to contribute to something is an even greater one.

Right now, students tend to be demotivated when studying because they’ve always perceived that the materials they’re learning wouldn’t be relevant in the future, and couldn’t really help them in real-life situations.

So, one factor that could drive a student’s willingness to learn is by showing that they can relate to what they’re learning in school. Once they see the purpose of what they’re learning, their drive to learn more tends to increase.

The Ability to Retain Information

According to research, certain learning strategies tend to affect the development of knowledge and information and the ways it could be applied in real-life situations. It is true that all individuals are different from each other, and some have different abilities in retaining information.

But according to the study, the teachers would need more than just to make students retain information, but also encourage them to solve problems – such as the ability to summarise the materials while still being able to explain in their own words.

The Atmosphere of the Classroom – Is the Learning Environment Comfortable for Students?

studying at a coffee shop

Some educators often overlook this specific factor because it does seem basic, could easily be adjusted to, and is an external factor. However unusual it may seem though, the layouts or the classroom designs do influence how students grasp the information fed to them.

For instance, classrooms with air-conditioning with low temperatures could create a conducive environment for the students. They could become the source of drowsiness, and therefore a distraction of significant proportions.

Another example would be the thin walls in the rooms that could make echoes and make the teacher’s voice bounce off the walls, therefore making the material more difficult to comprehend than it already is. Of course, it would still depend on the student to exert a conscious effort to still listen to the lecturer despite the circumstances.

However, providing something for the comfort of learning would definitely send out a positive message and would encourage the students more.

It is true that the education system is built during the industrial age, and for some countries that still dates back in the 18th century. For the system to move forward, it requires great understanding for the individuals that would benefit from it.

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