Data Security: How to Prepare for a Network Breach

Thanks to the rise of the Internet, information has become one of the world’s most precious commodities. Businesses routinely collect personal data such as your location, email address, and birthday to improve services, and they also invest lots of time and resources to ensure they remain private and secure. All the while cybercriminals are working round the clock to gain access to the same information.

One of the worst things that can happen to any business is a data breach. When private data is stolen and released to the public, it can lead to loss of customer trust, fines, litigation, and more. Many businesses enlist the services of a web security company to improve their network security, but it’s important to go one step further. It’s not a question of if but when a data breach will happen, and how you respond to one matters to your company’s survival.

Here are a few ways to prepare your company for a data breach:

  1. Create a security policy

Ramping up your defensive capabilities can deter all but the most determined threat actors from attempting to infiltrate your network. However, they only have to wait for an unsecured entry point or an employee to let their guard down to gain access. You need to have a data security policy in place to ensure your data remains safe.

The policy should contain a mixture of best data security practices, security guidelines, and response procedures in the event of a breach. It should also work in conjunction with a comprehensive training program to ensure every employee is on the same page when it comes to network security.

  1. Limit outside equipment

Data security concept

If you want your network to remain secure, then you need to have complete control over the network hardware. In an ideal world, employees are only allowed to use company-owned systems and devices for work. However, you may have to amend your security policies to accommodate remote workers.

For starters, you need to secure every device that is connected to the network. Install tools such as email filters, firewalls, and real-time protection to safeguard against cyber threats. You have to be extra vigilant when allowing employee-owned devices to the network. It’s often a good idea to install a program that allows for remote wiping.

  1. Encrypt sensitive files

Encryption allows for an extra layer of protection in the event of a data breach. For one, it ensures that only authorized personnel can access the file. If there are a lot of sensitive data in the network, you have to ensure end-to-end encryption from download to opening. Even if the file is sent to the wrong email address or leaked online, if the person doesn’t have the correct encryption key, they won’t be able to access the data.

These pointers will help you prepare for a possible data breach. Data encryption and device security are just two components of a comprehensive data security policy. Once you’ve mapped out your response plans, your next step should be to plan for recovery after a data breach.

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