Creative and Effective Ways to Capture an Online Audience

capturing audience concept

Today, much of the world is online. With it spanning every demographic, billions of people are connected to the world wide web, and among them, over 1.9 billion have become digital shoppers. These digital shoppers make much of their purchases online, from little splurges and subscription boxes to essential everyday needs like groceries and house supplies. In the digital world, any business or brand that wants to get ahead needs to find a way to cut above the noise of the endless stream of content out there and capture their audience’s attention. If you can get anyone to stop scrolling for just a moment to look at what you’ve posted, you’re already significantly closer to converting them into paying customers.

With the advent of innovative agencies like Pendulum PR and Creative Strategies, it begs the question, “what types of online efforts usually see the most success for clients?” Whatever industry you may be in, here are some tips you can follow.

Get into the power of VR and AR.

Virtual reality and augmented reality—these are two hot topics that once seemed like they could only exist in science fiction worlds. Yet, they have become some of the most interesting applications of marketing in this modern age. Why have they garnered so much traction? Because in a world full of content and a growing indifference towards them, people are most drawn to experiential things.

Naturally, one might think there are limitations if you can’t interact with your audience physically and if you are restricted to the digital plane. However, VR and AR bridge that boundary and enable you to create those same experiences for them if you put in the right ideas and resources. That engages the consumer in a memorable way without requiring them to leave the comfort of their own home.

Tap into people’s competitiveness.

team working in front of a computerPeople love to win things, especially if it means getting a prize for it. If you can create a fun, engaging content relevant to your brand, it’s an easy way to garner attention and build up a base of followers. It generates interaction on various platforms, and if you come up with an interesting concept, it can get the word around about your business and create better brand retention. Through this, you can strategically bring in more attention and learn more about the markets that you are hitting. From that, you can collect valuable insights into what your demographic likes and how you can expand on your practices further.

As long as you adhere to the laws and regulations that apply to any contest you run (to avoid conflict and bad press), and you are sure that you can provide any prizes you promise, this a great approach to follow.

Create humanized campaigns.

Consumers are looking for personal touches these days. It’s not necessarily the brands alone that they buy into anymore; they buy into people. The biggest names levy their messaging and the faces they put on their campaigns because that is what people bank on.

Think of brands that saw a lot of hype and see continued loyal bases, like Fenty Beauty. They provide products that live up to their reputation. However, much of its sustained success comes from the message and the person behind it. Rihanna’s popularity and image immediately created a connection from supporters that wanted her brand to succeed. Then the brand itself continued this humane approach by promising inclusivity for all women of every shade. This kind of brand messaging taps into the desire for representation and personal connection that consumers want to find in the products and services they patronize.

Make use of visual storytelling.

Gone are the days when you could rely on still images and text (though you can still use those as supplementary materials effectively). Today, people are spending more and more time simply consuming video content. By 2021, people will be spending an average of 100 minutes a day watching online videos. That is why it’s essential to put the right time and resources into creating great visual content that tells a story worth engaging with.

You want to tap into your consumer’s interests and tell a story they won’t scroll away from. If you can get your audience to unmute a video on autoplay in their social media feed, you immediately jump leagues ahead of other media on their mind, and you can more easily see conversions.

If you can tap into these strategies, you can thrive in the digital world and capture your market.

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