Bring Out the Entrepreneur in You! Business Ideas in the New Normal


While some people choose to pursue higher education, some choose to start a business as early as possible. Some may also try running a business while still doing their day jobs. And maybe some enjoy their hobbies and find a way to earn from them. So how easy can it be to start a business?

First, you should know that getting into business involves having the right resources. And it would help if you always lay out the plans of what to prepare in the beginning and the goals you would like to achieve. Know that any business that one would like to get into would most definitely include producing goods and services. Most especially to get a business running, one should be passionate and not focus on just profits. And with starting a business, one must be willing to take risks.

When it comes to plans, the first thing to do is to have your business plan or idea. Ask yourself:

  • Do you want to start a dropshipping business?
  • Do you want to get into fashion and curate clothes to sell?
  • Do you want to sell your services, like artworks?

From there, you can go in the direction you want to go for your business to get up and running. Ensure that your ideas are yours and avoid simply copying from others. But some do like to get into buying an existing small business through shares or just a franchise. It is also possible that you will be interested in a property management franchise opportunity. The list is limitless.

Here are some common businesses you could do:

Food and Beverages

People at home can whip up their favorite food, whether from their family recipe passed down onto generations or new recipes that they have come up with and decide to share it with people and even make a profit out of it. It does not need much; one can cook in the comfort of their own home. This may be one of the most common ways of getting into business, but it can be very competitive as we see how many are already in the market.

Delivery Services

delivery services

Especially during this time, most parts of the world are still affected by the pandemic and forced to stay at home. The delivery of goods is essential; it can be as simple as groceries to medicines or what the consumer might want to do with the delivery services. This way, people can safely stay in their homes and have their goods delivered to them.

Educational Materials

Students are primarily on the internet having classes via zoom or any other platform to hold a conference call. Some might say it’s pretty brutal to adjust to the distance learning approach; some also have a hard time studying. For example, medical students have many books to read, engineering students have many formulas to memorize and many more. To get into business with this, one should have the proper background knowledge of the course and artistic attributes. From there, you can design flashcards, handy diagrams, or even pocketbooks that are easy to understand and would be helpful to the students.


If you have an eye for aesthetic things and are also crafty, getting into a business involving jewelry and accessories might be the right choice. Some people enjoy minimalist design and things, some enjoy complex and contemporary designs, while others have unique tastes and preferences. Using all of these and making the right accessory for each individual would be a great hit. Starting with this type of business does not necessarily mean you need expensive materials; you can source out local materials and others made into beautiful jewelry and accessories.

Graphic Design

Talented people who can do art and graphic design are one way of starting a business. People enjoy giving gifts to one another; some prefer giving hand-sketched illustrations. This business might be a little expensive due to some of the materials. But other than that, it just requires skill and time. One can be getting a lot of commissions in no time.

Vintage Collections

Some people enjoy collecting vintage things. Some are lucky enough to thrift-shop and find vintage apparel that is worth a lot. They can continue collecting all the vintage finds and launch a business that can be through online shops. With this, they can find collectors and sell their vintage things ranging from bags, clothes, shoes, and many more. This business is for people who like finding, collecting, and having an eye for vintage collections.

It is essential to know your niche when starting a business because knowing your niche makes you more knowledgeable about the business venture that you are about to embark on. But, it is also nice to do something out of the box that people won’t expect from you; this will draw more attention, making people more inclined to support your business.

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