What You Need to Do After a Tenant Moves Out of Your Rental Home

Running a rental business can be a lot of work. From finding the right tenants to maintaining your property, there’s much to keep track of. Many landlords breathe a sigh of relief when their tenants move out, but there’s still some work to be done. When a tenant leaves your rental property, you need to do a few things to get it ready for the next person.

This article will discuss what those steps are so that you can be prepared.

1. Do a walk-through of the property with the tenant.

Before letting your tenant go, you should do a walk-through of the rental property together. This allows you to document the property’s condition and identify any damage the tenant may have caused. If there is damage, you can discuss it with the tenant and agree on how you will repair it or how much the tenant will pay for the damage.

It is crucial to have the tenant with you during this walk-through so that they can’t deny any damage you find. If you can, take photos or video of the damage to have documentation. Some occupants will be happy to fix any damage they’ve caused, but others may need to be held financially responsible.

2. Clean the property.

Once the tenant is gone, it’s time to clean the rental property. This includes washing the walls, cleaning the floors, and dusting. If professional cleaners come in regularly, you may not need to do as much work. However, if the tenant was responsible for cleaning, you will likely need to do a deep cleaning.

Some tenants will leave things they don’t want, such as furniture or other items. If you aren’t keeping these items, you can either donate them or throw them away. You can hire a dumpster rental service like Valley Dumpsters, who will come and remove any large items for you. They will also properly dispose of whatever items you dump, so you don’t have to.

Old property materials on the roadside for garbage collection

3. Make any necessary repairs.

Assessing the damage and making repairs are essential in preparing your rental property for the next tenant. If there is significant damage, you may need to hire a professional to make the repairs. However, if the damage is minor, you may be able to do it yourself or hire a handyman.

It’s essential to make sure that all repairs are made before the next tenant moves in. This way, you can be sure that the property is in good condition and that the tenant will be happy with it. You can find some of the most common damages around the kitchen and bathroom, so check these areas thoroughly.

Some tenants will also secretly make changes to the property without your permission. These changes could be things like painting the walls or adding new fixtures. If you find any changes made without your consent, you can ask the tenant to undo them or pay for the cost of the changes.

4. Change the locks.

For the safety of your next tenant, it’s essential to change the locks on the property. This helps ensure that only people who are supposed to have access to the property do. You may only need to change the code if you have a keyless entry system. However, if you have traditional locks, you will need to replace them.

You may also want to consider changing the locks even if the tenant didn’t cause any damage. This is because you can’t be sure they didn’t give someone else a copy of the keys. If you have a lot of locks, this can be time-consuming, so look for a locksmith who can come and change the locks for you so that you don’t have to do it yourself.

5. Paint the walls.

Once all the repairs are made, you may want to consider painting the walls. This is especially true if the tenant caused any damage to the walls or if they painted the walls without your permission. A fresh coat of paint can help make the property look new again and give it a clean feel.

It’s essential to choose a neutral paint color to appeal to a wide range of people. You may also want to consider using semi-gloss or high-gloss paint so that it’s easy to clean. These types of paint are also suitable for hiding any imperfections in the walls.

After a tenant moves out of your rental property, you still have to take a few steps to prepare it for the next tenant. These steps above will help ensure that your property is in good condition and that the next tenant will be happy with it. If you need any assistance with these steps, reach out to a professional to help you.

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