4 Undeniable Reasons to Love Local Businesses

a store staff

You’re probably sick of shopping in a crowded and cramped chain store where everything is hectic, you don’t know where they source their fruits and vegetables, and natural, organic products are rare to come by. You’re not alone, as many people are tired of this experience. If you want to change it up, why not try visiting the local businesses in your area?

In this article, we take a look at what makes local businesses such great alternatives to chain businesses. You might even start considering them as a replacement for your regular stores!

They Provide Unmatched Customer Service

Going to a place where the staff and regulars know your name makes you feel great, but it’s less likely to have this experience in a major department store, restaurant franchise, and other corporate brands. This is where local businesses shine as they can offer a more personalized service. They know not just your name, but as well as the regular things you order or buy. Small businesses tend to be more forgiving or lenient when it comes to trying things out or even giving a discount when you’re just a couple of cents short. Most small business staff and owners are prepared to go to any length to ensure good service, so let’s reward that by giving them business.

Local Businesses Help Local Employees

Here’s an interesting trivia: local small to medium enterprises are the country’s leading employers. And by being so close to residential areas, their staff and workers have to travel less. This saves time, reduces traffic and also pollution. Small businesses are also more likely to work with labor bodies and small business attorneys, truck driver lawyers, labor firms and unions, and more. What this means is that they’re a lot easier to work with and treat their employees fairly.

You might have friends and relatives who own or work for a small business- and you can most likely see how involved it is, both for them and the community. When you purchase locally, you are not only supporting this business, but you are also securing the lives of your business-minded friends or even family.

You’ll Find More Unique and Useful Things

Whenever you purchase something online, it’s a lot colder, more transactional, and far less personal. The process often goes like this: enter your search keywords, filter the results by price, and add them to your virtual shopping cart. Only in-store transactions let you look around and discover goods you didn’t even realize you needed, allowing you to benefit from local craftspeople’s creations and works.

Another thing to note is that local shops often sell stuff you’ll never find at major corporate chains. This is because many local entrepreneurs tend to pick their products based on their clientele’s needs and wants. You’re more likely to find unique items in these types of stores, and even ones from local creators, artists, and farmers.

Products Are Cheaper but Fresher

fresh food

Purchasing local organic vegetables from a local farmer is usually less expensive than buying them from a typical grocery shop. This is due to the lack of expense that major retailers may have (like red tape in acquiring said products, and also shipment and delivery), plus they may be prepared to compromise the price to satisfy their customers. Also, what may be labeled as “organic” in regular grocery shops isn’t true. A deeper examination of the product might reveal chemicals and ingredients that are used to increase its shelf life. Some businesses simply use the “organic label” to boost its price. If you’re buying from local businesses, you’re guaranteed of its freshness, and at a fraction of the cost, too. The one selling you the product might be the very same farmer who takes care of it!

Small Businesses Are the Heart of a Community

We might hear it all the time, but it’s true; local business streets remain the true heart of a small town even in this digital world. Free coffee in the mornings, community cleaning programs, reading clubs, and local contests are all common events hosted by small companies. You’ll also often find group exercise fliers, missing dog or cat posters, or even the age-old ‘help Wanted’ in these establishments. Many businesses also donate to local organizations and charities. You’ll see feeding programs, free haircuts, and even free laundry for those going to job interviews- small businesses truly are the heart of a community. It’s where people share their resources, enriching each other in the process.

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