Uses of Augmented Reality in Education and Career


Most people know how augmented reality (AR) technology works thanks to revolutionary games like Pokémon Go and social media platforms like Snapchat. However, AR is more than that. Today, it’s now being used in several fields, including education and training.

Here are some use cases of AR in education and training professionals, helping you see what it can bring to the learning experience.

Refining Professionals’ Skills

The average lifespan of professional skills is five years. Fortunately, thanks to AR, companies, and organizations can help their employees refine their skills by re-educating or retraining them. It’s a more convenient and cost-effective way of polishing their skills. For instance, AR can help pilots hone their skills without the hassle of dealing with immigration policies from different countries and hiring an immigration lawyer to help them out. It saves the company and the professional more time and money.

Medical Education and Training

Medical professions, no matter the niche, require a high level of proficiency and accuracy. That’s because any mistake may leave a negative impact on a patient’s health and well-being. AR in medical education can drastically reduce this by giving students an immersive experience and familiarizing themselves with the human body more. Through interactive and visual representations, these can create simulations that can train medical students by practicing medical procedures on virtual patients.

All these can help medical students improve both their knowledge and skills. AR allows them to practice surgery and do other medical procedures to virtual patients more, honing their techniques and abilities without harming anyone.

Augmented Reality Classroom

School classroom with school desks and blackboard

The simplest and widespread AR use in education is in the traditional classroom. It can support textbook materials by adding a different dimension to the learning process, making it simpler and more engaging thanks to its innovative, practical illustrations of complex concepts. For instance, AR-enabled scanners that can scan covers of textbooks can help students receive a short description of what they’re about, allowing them to make better-informed decisions regarding selecting learning material most suitable for them.

AR can make the learning experience for students who have gotten so used to visual stimulation and interactivity. Plenty of schools and other educational facilities have implemented AR in their classrooms.

AR-Enabled Worksheets at Home

The AR application where it allows teachers to start giving their students AR-enabled school worksheets isn’t far. It aims to encourage students to explore more educational content at their own account, helping them handle homework and projects better when not interacting with an educator. Several educational institutions are testing out ‘printable’ AR worksheets, making information and graphics “pop-out” literally. It emphasizes crucial concepts while breaking the boundaries of classic textbook learning despised by many students.

Objects Modeling

AR lets you interact with 3D models, allowing you to set rotation, transparency, color, styles, dimensions, and more. All these allow users to have a more in-depth insight of particular things, such as human body parts used by medical students or building structures utilized by architects. It can help you learn better and explore different topics deeper.

Thanks to the technological advancements today, you’re bound to see excellent AR applications in education and training worldwide — and those mentioned are some of the best ones, steadily improving and opening more options for students and professionals alike.

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