Building Society: How Businesses are Helping the Community during the Pandemic

volunteers doing work

During the pandemic, it is inspiring to hear tales of charity being done by various companies and offices. There are a lot of things, from encouraging working on mental health to physical health, that businesses have been doing for their employees and other people that are connected.

It’s been a historical fact that companies are ready to help during any calamity, be it something as fleeting as a storm plowing through an area to something like this pandemic. However, it continues to evolve to involve other businesses. From companies offering a painting for industrial businesses to others—however small they are—people with the resources would naturally band together to help their employees and even beyond.

It’s something that is not only social responsibility but is a way of joining in solidarity to the fear that everyone’s feeling right now. Here’s how society is constantly being rebuilt by those that can.

Supporting People’s Mental Health

Aside from companies, the local and national governments of most countries are doing all they can to support their citizens. Part of providing health services to them is to see how they’re coping with the current situation. This is along with the warnings like this one from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that restricts the gathering of people for up to 50.

Leading companies have been active with their support for people who are suffering from mental health issues. There are those that have therapy sessions for employees. Another company has also committed to sign the Keep Americans Connected pledge and help individuals have access to connectivity.

Supporting People’s Livelihood as Well

Even as stores and factories remain closed, the government is helping people through the corporations. Allowing them to remain open and operate is one thing but helping them through dole outs is more appreciated during a time like this when all people are encouraged to stay at home.

For one, some companies are shutting down while continuing to pay their employees, aside from providing access to a fund that can help them further pay their bills and such. Another might continue their employee’s hourly payment. It all depends on what a company can do to alleviate their employee’s fears and doubts about the situation.

There is a lot of help that a profitable company can provide their employees. However, it won’t work without significant support from the government in building society and helping the people.

small business cashier

Helping Small Businesses Get Back on Their Feet

What about the small businesses, the ones that cannot open right away after closing down during the first phase of the lockdowns?

The help can come from a combination of large dole-outs from the government as well as from companies with the money. Huge corporations have stepped in to help shoulder the expenses of SMEs trying to reopen again. For instance, company Amazon announced a $5 million relief fund to help small businesses get back on their feet.

The effects of COVID-19 on both personal and financial levels have yet to be measured, but the corporate sector can move more freely by implementing processes that will help society in the long run. Who knows? In the future, if ever a similar pandemic might occur, the way the companies act now can serve as a template.

Helping the Hungry

On the non-profit part, the government is helping these NGOs in creating significant ways to help those truly in need.

A good initiative is to help people have access to food which wouldn’t cost them a lot. There are also services to help people who’ve lost their job regain their income by introducing new jobs through training. It’s a win-win situation.

Another initiative is to get the community involved in helping the people who truly need it. Not everyone lost their jobs during the lockdown. Those that can share their ‘blessings’ through the NGOs and their programs to feed those who have trouble finding food.

Providing Access to Clean Water and Other Utilities

A global effort is currently being done to help people have access to clean water and have clean living conditions. It’s been a big problem even before the pandemic, and during it, it’s only getting harder—but it’s a challenge that companies involved in providing clean water are gladly facing.

This is another opportunity for people to help those who can’t help themselves through volunteering in cash or in-kind through virtual fundraising and similar efforts.

There are lots of ways to help during the pandemic, and there are a lot of people who truly need help. The main thing is to find ways how you can help. All the money that companies and governments have cannot be felt by people in their lowest without those who volunteer their time and effort to help.

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