Are You Raising a Genius?

genius kid

All parents want to think that their children are special. They like to think that their children are more beautiful and more intelligent than other children their age. And while every child is truly special, how can you tell that yours is actually gifted? Could you be raising the next Einstein or Mozart? Could your child be the next Elon Musk?

If you detect the signs of intellect early on, you can catch up with your child. You can start looking for music and vocal lessons in Las Vegas or other cities, for example. Enroll them in advanced classes. You can buy books that better suit their interests. So the first step in determining if your child is a genius is getting to know and spending time with them.

Genius organization, Mensa, has more than 2,600 members under the age of 18 who are geniuses. The National Association for Gifted Children estimates that there are about three million gifted children in the United States. Could yours be one of them?

Hits Milestones Early

You will notice early on if your child is a genius if they meet milestones early. Experts say that gifted children have an unusually wide vocabulary at an early age. They can speak complex sentences, and their language skills are advanced. Your pediatrician will give you a list of developmental milestones that your child should complete per week or month. Check if your child is achieving these milestones way before the expected age.

Loves Reading

Have you watched the movie, Matilda? The main character there is a genius. She loves reading. She reads for pleasure. True geniuses have a deep love for reading both for pleasure and meaning. They find genuine happiness when they discover a compelling book. This means that a gifted child also learns how to read early.

Questions Everything

A gifted child is a curious one. Smart children are interested in the world around them. They want to know how things work. They want to know how mothers give birth to babies. They will ask so many questions, making you feel exhausted from finding the right words to answer them. They will often test your patience because they have an unending stream of questions.

Recognizes Patterns Early

a smart child

Gifted children don’t only notice shapes and sizes; they also notice repetitive behavior and things. They observe actions and activities. They are great at remembering key information. For example, a gifted child somehow knows what bus number passes by your street at a certain time of day. Through observation, they realize that a particular activity or kind of behavior happens every day at the same time.

Wants to Spend Time with Older Peers

Gifted children have a hard time relating to their peers because they have different interests and abilities. They are so far advanced in their classes that they often get bored because these things are no longer challenging for them. Instead, they tend to seek out the friendship of older peers. They like discussing topics with them. They may even want to spend more time with you than their siblings. You should teach them social skills that will enable them to relate to people of all ages.

Spending time with your child will allow you to see their abilities and gifts. Once you recognize their passions for things, you should help them hone these skills and talents. You should, however, never force your children to pursue things they don’t want. Focus on what they love to do.

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